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DA 103 Spring 2023 Assignment Blog Post 2/10/23


Hi class! Nice to meet you.

I am glad to see a Brightspace class organized and easy to use. This ensures things will most likely go smoothly over the semester!


I am excited to our midterm projects because it will showcase our interests in topics and show a little of our creative side, allowing our instructor to know us better of our interests. I am excited to go over topics like computer hardware, and exam information for CompTIA. I also appreciate that our midterm will be useful to us because t prepares us for finding a career in the IT field. Very helpful!!!

I appreciate the links my instructor links in the assignments to search for information about Information Technology. I know Brightspace is relatively newer, but I can say I enjoy it more that blackboard, the previous cloud-based learning platform. There is an app called Pulse used that is related to bright space and it automatically sends notifications and due date reminders.

Does anyone else have any online classes? Do you like Brightspace?

If anyone wanted to study for some CompTIA exams with me here is my discord study group link (I am currently studying for the CompTIA A+)

Happy Studying!

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